You are booking for Brooklands on the 18th June Lead-Name (required) Membership Number, If you are not a member please type non (required) Email (required) Please enter your mobile number (if no mobile please enter landline number) (required) How many Seats for this Excursion? Please Select123456 Please tell us the name (s) of additional people on this booking. I wish to get the coach at: Please be aware the departure points are Herne Bay, Wincheap Park and Ride or Medway Services - London Bound Side. For any Excursion to the Continent boarding is at Dover Ferry Port and not at Medway Services, unless otherwise stated. (required) Any Additional Information including dietary requirements where applicable Once the form has been submitted you will be advised about payment. If you do not receive the automated response within 24 hours please call the Chairman on 07842 124094 or send an email to