You are booking for Honfleur commencing 21st September 2025 Membership Number, If you are not a member please type non (required) How many Places would you like to book? Please Select123456 Full Names of all People Travelling, including Date of Birth and Nationality. Please note that the First Name listed will be Lead. (required) Please confirm whether each person on this booking form has travel insurance which INCLUDES repatriation in the event of a claim. —Please choose an option—All of the aboveSome of the aboveNone of the above If you do not have travel insurance in place, the Silver Phoenix Travel Club will require a disclaimer form to be completed and signed by each person. I wish to get the coach at: Please be aware the departure points are Herne Bay, New Dover Road Park and Ride or Dover (Maison Dieu Car Park). (required) Please state how many of the types of rooms are required Double Twin Bedded Single Please advise of any special requirements (diet, rooms, etc) Name and E-mail address of the person making this booking: Name (required) Email (required) Please enter your mobile number (if no mobile please enter landline number) (required) Please Note that a valid passport will be required to travel with this tour Once the form has been submitted you will be advised about payment. If you do not receive the automated response within 24 hours please call the Chairman on 07842 124094 or send an email to